(So like the title says, WOW! It's been 2 months! I have definitely been neglecting blogging. So if anyone still reads this, you're thinking "What's new?" Oh good lord, so many things. )
1.) My photography business is picking up! I'm getting usually at least 2-3 clients a month. It's not awesome but I feel like it's pretty major for me right now! Here is an update on my photography! I recently went to a body painting festival in Daegu! It was SO awesome! Half of the people were almost naked except for their underwear! It was an awesome, artistic and unique event...so naturally I brought my camera ;)

As i'm sure you can see, I had a blast. It was great. Awesome music, great food and great time to practice with my camera ;) That was our major thing that we went to in the past 2 months. Tanya's obviously older, 18 months! Almost a 2 year old...I still can not believe it! Tanya recently got a mini cooper. Here are the photos!
If you're not impressed with her car yet let me tell you some of it's 'basic' features. AM & FM radio, Ipod plug in, working lights. Just the basics. Along with obviously forward and reverse and steering and the much needed horn. She can control it herself (With the gas petal and such) or we can control it with a remote. Anyway, it's pretty awesome and I think I might be a tad bit jealous of my daughter! :)
So, what's new with me personally? Not much, I started college. So far it's going okay. I've got A's in both my classes and it's nearing a month since they've started. My school only does 8 week terms so it's halfway done. I'm currently taking Intro to Criminal Justice and Intro to Psychology. Psychology is almost kicking my butt...for the simple reason that I have to read hundreds of pages and take tons of quizzes and discussions. Aside from that, life is lovely. We are taking leave for back home in Michigan in early January for a month! That will be exciting and very much needed. Then we head to our new home in Germany! Wohoo! :)
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