Sunday, October 30, 2011


As everyone knows, October usually means 'Halloween' for most! This year is our first year where Tanya can actually enjoy this holiday...for several reasons.

1.) She can eat Candy now that she is 19 months old, instead of 7 months old like she was last Halloween.
2.) She can walk and talk, (maybe not fluently but she CAN talk!)
3.) While she may not fully grasp the concept of it, she can enjoy the fact that she gets candy. In short, she LOVED it!
So Justin helped me make an AWESOME pumpkin for her! With her own name and all! She tried to eat it at first, but when we put a candle in it, she was in awe! Then, we went on post to Trick-Or-Treat! She went as a Kitty and had far too much fun! By the end of the night, her basket was full of candies!!

It really was almost too perfect. Why, you ask? It was just this week that Justin had taught her how to "rawr' like a kitty and...well, more like a Tiger but a tiger is still a feline! So we were even lucky enough to get her to growl at some of the houses! Too cute!! :) I hope everyone else had a GREAT Halloween!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Coffee, Fashionita and enjoying life

So it seems that I havn't realized just how big of a Diva my daughter has turned into...until now. So not only is she a Diva, she's a Fashionista ...therefor a Fashionista Diva?
Today, we had a coffee date and a pajama party!

And this is what the pajama party looked like!

She'll be 19 months old this month and she has yet to get her first hair cut. This is why her hair is super long!

Now back to how my life is going. I recently just finished my mid terms! I got B's on both of them!! Woohoo!!! I was pretty nervous about it but i'm holding B's in both the classes! In a few weeks I will be taking the exams and will be starting my next term which will be super fun!

Next month, I'm fully booked with photoshoots EACH weekend. It's absolutely ridiculous. I believe I have about 5 photoshoots in October! Most of them are Maternity, which i'm super excited about! :)

Last but definitly not least, i'm hoping to get a Macro lens soon so I can get even better nature photos! Once I do, I will be in heaven!! I definitely need one! Hope everyone enjoys the photos of everything and everyone! Have a great week!