(So this week was pretty nice, busy and exciting to say the least!)
We started it off with going to a park/playground we've never been to. When we got there it was sooo busy. Tons of little Korean kids were running around and we went with another couple and their kids. Least to say, we had SUCH a blast. Tanya loved it! She loves interacting with kids...no matter their age. Of course it helped that her boyfriend was there!
Anyway, now when it's nice out we will definitely be taking Tanya there whenever we can. It would help if she walked more but it seems ever since last month (When she was walking around and taking over 20 steps without help) she wants nothing to do with it. It's a bit sad because I got super excited but what can you do besides have them learn it in their own time? So whenever she is ready to walk we will be more then ready for her to!
The next day after that we decided to go to Little bear. Just one of my friends (Her kids) and I with Tanya. The guys (Justin and her husband) were out riding their motorcycles. Tanya hadn't been to little bear for a while now...the last time she was there she was about 8 months...now that she was here when she was 12 months old she seemed to enjoy it alot more.
She enjoyed this room the most but after about ten minutes or so she ventured into the next one!
She decided to play with her boyfriend and keep an eye on him to make sure none of the Korean girls tried to hit on him haha. Everyone in Little Bear seemed fascinated with both of them...maybe because they weren't Asian babies?
Tanya even made a new friend....and in thus I made a new mommy friend who lives in Daegu and pretty much told me to call her up whenever so we could do lunch or something! So that was pretty awesome.
Tanya's favorite place in little bear was the book section. She absolutely loved all the books and started giggling like mad! She tried to grab all the little books with her hands but couldn't get more then 4 of them but finally settled on one! It was pretty awesome to see her have such a blast. We were planning on here but due to busyness decided against it. So she will be having her birthday party on the 10th of this month at home.
Then we did this the next day. What is this? This is called "Purikura" in Japan. It's short for "Print club". Anyway...they are these little photo booths you go into. They take your picture and here comes the fun part. They make your eyes bigger, they can change your eye color and then they let you decorate the photo with any design you want. It's a big thing in Japan but we found it in Daegu so I dragged everyone in. At first they thought it was going to be lame but as we were doing it both of the guys admitted it was kind of addicting and cool haha. So that was pretty big for them.
And that was my weekend. Hope you all had a great weekend as well!!
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